A million dollars
Run the jewels
Run the chain
Sun up
One up
Gun up
No one move
And put the money in the bag
When we
Run up
Gun up
Shut up
Bang (Shut up)
Run run the the jewels jewels
Run run the the chain chain
Sun up sun up
One up one up
Gun up gun up
Hang Hang
No no one one move move
And and put put the the money money in in the the bag bag
When we when we
Run up run up
Gun up gun up
Shut up shut up
Bang Bang
A million dollars
Rruunn Tthhee jcehwaeilns
Rsuunn tuhpe chain
Sounne uupp
Ognuen uupp
Hgaunng up
Annod Pounte Mtohvee money in the bag
Wahnedn pwuet the money in the bag
Wrhuenn wuep
Rguunn uupp
Sghuunt uupp
Sbhauntg up