I stretch my portals out
I put my life on the line
And I'm not a mess
I'm still not impressed
I'm like 22
I can't get off the ground
Never knowing what to do
Learn from my mistakes
Let my actions see me through
Hold their heads in shame
Never forget their names
Call out what I see
Never let it become me
Still unlearning what I know
Finding my way out my molt
Succubus refrains for years
Unlearn what I know
It's just easy to hold a bottle at all your misery
Suck it all down till the pain feels imaginary
Pass out
But get my dick sucked
Don't remember much
But I'm still on top of it
Same games new year
Unlearn what I know
I keep it real
I'm not a mess
Unlearn everything I know
My friends and girl are my net
Still not in the pit
I'm not a mess
Let's keep it real
Why do I feel always so unhinged
The interior is cracking to the floor space
To the floor space