Once upon a midnight dreary
While I ponder weak and weary
While I nodded, nearly napping
Suddenly came a tapping
Tis a visitor... at my chamber door
Only... this... and... nothing more
Uncertain rustling filled me with
Fantastic terrors never felt before
So that now, to still the beating
Of my heart, I stood repeating
Surcease of sorrow... lost Lenore
Darkness... there... and... nothing more
Back into the chamber turning
All my soul, within me burning
Soon again I hear a tapping
Somewhat louder than before
I flung the shutter... a flirt and flutter
In stepped... a stately raven... perched and sat... and nothing more
Prophet! Said I,
Thing of evil, bird or devil
By the heaven that bends above us,
By the god that we adore
A sainted maiden... named Lenore
Take thy beak... from out my heart ... quoth the raven... NEVERMORE