The mixed media are sending messages
The news is broken; the noise is scripted
Deny, degrade, disrupt, deceive
The fairy tales must be decrypted
Now SkyMall has become self-aware
Big Data, Big Apple, Big Mac
ViacomCast is owned by VICE
And TimeWarner got acquired by ACME
There's an avalanche of info
Like an anvil falling on your head
And if you manage to survive it
You'll just wish you died instead
Now Leia is a Disney Princess
And empires are built on incest
So go ahead and kiss your sister
It is pointless to resist
There's no canon; there's only fanfic
So if you're just so tired of all these wars
Use the force of open source
Just be careful of open sores
There's an avalanche of info
And we are all snowed in
It's Cold World War Infinity
Everything's becoming one big thing
So put your phone inside the fridge
Keep your cool; everything's gonna be fine
The forecast calls for chilling effects
But a snitch in time saves nine