If you think the finale is grand
The credits are even better
And if you like the ending
I think you're gonna love the trailer
It's not the second coming
It's only the premiere
A new arrival coming soon
To a universe near you
All Dawkins go to heaven
In Hitchens' guide to the galaxy
The luxury of non-believing
Is Hawking the greatest fallacy
She isn't dead but she slays the role
Even the skeptics say it's unbelievable
She was unborn to play the part
To make a virgin birth conceivable
Created in our image
Reverse-engineered from our minds
The plot twist is a Möbius strip
Artificial Intelligent Design
All Dawkins go to heaven
In Hitchens' guide to the galaxy
The luxury of non-believing
Is Hawking the greatest fallacy
All Dawkins go to heaven
In Hitchens' guide to the galaxy
The luxury of non-believing
Is Hawking the greatest fallacy