There's a window across the street from mine whose residents never draw their blinds There's a woman with her phone out on the train next to me her brightness up so high I can see the pores on the face of the man she's cyber-stalking
There's a sort of casual urban voyeurism we all participate in I think It's inevitable we're packed in like rats unwillingly eavesdropping on the chats of strangers nearby Though we may deny it
There's a sort of mutual fervour of denialism we don't articulate I think; collectively held captive by shame
And what a shame! That we can't proclaim a joy so basic a pleasure so universal That we must hide our perusal of strangers' affairs So consider this your permission given to no longer let your perverse little delights stay hidden Stare out your rear window step into the stories of strangers sit and watch their lives go by
After all they do the same to you