I put my work clothes on|Before that morning sun breaks through|I can take long days like this|as long as I got nights like you|I can put in overtime,|anytime they want me to|I can do long days like this|as long as I got nights like you.||Corus:|Nights like you|waiting at the front door|Nights like you|knowing that you're mine|girl I live for this|lost inside your kiss|it's worth everything I do|for all these nights like you.||Sometimes life gets though|and it's more than a man can do|get through days like that|I just think of nights like you||Nights like you|waiting at the front door|Nights like you|knowing that you're mine|girl I live for this|lost inside your kiss|it's worth everything I do|for all these nights like you||Instrumental break||Tomorrow I'll wake up|In the arms of a dream come true|I love days like that|After nights like you.||I love days like that|After nights like you.|