I stand here before you - alone in the crowd
And it seems no one hears though my heart cries out loud
I hear in my spirit a voice softly say
"Behold, I am with you each step of the way"
"Behold, I am with you - do not be afraid
I show you My love in each promise I've made
I'll never forsake you - My words are all true
Behold, I am with you in all that you do"
Lord, I'm here in the fire of heartache and trial
It was all I could do just to walk that last mile
But He says "I am with you in all that you do
When you walk through the fire it won't kindle on you"
I've been watching the waters of circumstance roll
And, Lord, can't You see how they threaten my soul
But He says "I am with you - where ever you go"
"When you pass through the waters, they will not overflow"