So you're looking for solutions to the multitude of questions
Begging to be answered - so you can travel on
Long ago you lost sight of the promises of heaven
Caught up in the lonely night - you hunger for the dawn
Come if you are weary, thirsting in your spirit
Stumbling in the darkness, tangled in despair
I will take the burdens that are tied upon your shoulders
Rest from all your struggles is waiting for you there
As you wander in the wasteland that stretches out before you
Hope of your returning grows dimmer every day
Still you feel the longing for earthly satisfaction
A Light to shine before you to brighten up the way
When you're feeling so discouraged when you're humbled by the journey
See the Rock before you - rest beneath its shade
Let the healing waters revive your wounded spirit
Stand in faith believing in each promise that I've made
(So won't you) Come if you are weary, (if you're) thirsting in your spirit
(When you're) Stumbling in the darkness, (and you're) tangled in despair
(See if) I will take the burdens that are tied upon your shoulders
(Perfect) Rest from all your struggles is waiting for you there
(If you want) Rest from all your struggles (you know) its waiting for you there