As I come into Your presence at the closing of this day
And I shut the door on all this world's strife
It's so good to feel You near me, and to hear You softly say
"Come, my child, I give to you this cup of life"
Let my prayers be as incense and the lifting of my hands
Be to You as the evening sacrifice
May the words that I utter be acceptable to You
Just to spend this time with You is Paradise
Thank-you Lord for being near me in the tempest of this day
When the waves of life washed o'er my weary soul
When, in fear, I cried " Lord Jesus - don't You care about my life?"
I heard - "Peace, Be still!" You touched me - now I'm whole
Now I long to stay beside You as I walk this path of life
For I know that You so freely died for me
And I'll gladly shun the pleasures that this world would offer now
So that I may share Your joy eternally