If you had been the keeper of the inn at Bethlehem
That night so long ago when Joseph came to call
Would shepherd's stories have persuaded you to view with utter joy
That little baby as the greatest Gift of all?
Wrapped up in swaddling clothes - not bows or pretty paper
No fancy box - instead a lowly cattle stall
No twinkling lights but still the wisemen saw one bright
And shining star
The night the Father gave the Greatest Gift of All
How do we view this coming season we call Christmas time?
A must-do shopping trip through out some crowded mall?
Or do we see it as a time when we can truly celebrate
The night the Father gave The Greatest Gift of All?
Lord keep our focus on the Reason for the Season
Keep us from traps where we so easily might fall
And may we ever be reminded of that time we love so dear
When we received Your Son - The Greatest Gift of All