I said Lord, How come you're hiding?
How long will your anger burn like fire?
I realize you give me favor, but I still catch quite a bit of abuse
Now, mind you, I'm not complaining, but could you maybe give 'em
Just an itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny microscopic little taste of what
They're gonna get for what they've been doing to me all of these years
Now, I know I'm not always gonna be here
You didn't set it up that way
Please remember how short my life is
Please remember you gave me a body that's gonna die
Whether you return for me or you take me first doesn't matter
Either way I'm gonna come runnin' to be by your side
Lord, I know you're always right here, standin' by my side
But I don't always feel your lovin' hand on my shoulder
Without it I can't make it. (I've tried...)
You treat me better than I deserve
You treat me better than I would treat myself
If what you've got in store for me is only half of what I've got now
I'm gonna be livin' like a king
Ain't nothin' I'd want to rearrange, no way or no how