Three Six Nine Four Four One Eight
Inner signals guide let the doubts abate
Whoa let's flow
Five Five Three Two Seven Eight Nine
Balance brings peace moon and sun align
Gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold
Nine One Eight Six Four Three Two
Finding self again true to source renew
Eight Seven Five Three Nine Four Two
Thrive despite the rot Golden source is in you
Grabovoi Boi gettem
Five Two Eight Four One One Nine
Transform and rise see the stars align
Fly fly fly fly fly
Three Eight One Seven Two Four Six
Feel divine touch spiritual mix
Four Nine Three Eight Two One Seven
Cosmic wisdom calls align with heaven
Reach reach reach
Seven Eight One Four Six Three Nine
Unexpected highs experience divine
Whoa let's flow
Two Three Nine Five Four Seven One
Universal link all as one
Eight Four One Two Six Three Five
Unique views enrich making life alive
Bless bless bless bless bless
Grabovoi Boi gettem
Nine One Eight Six Four Three Two
Cosmic guidance true finding me and you
Five Two Eight Four One One Nine
Transform and rise see the stars align
Shine shine shine shine shine
Three Eight One Seven Two Four Six
Feel divine touch spiritual mix
Eight One Six Two Three Four Seven
Unique traits shine blessed by heaven
Love love love
Four Nine Three Eight Two One Seven
Rising above in perfect alignment
Whoa let's flow
Switch switch switch
Miracle miracle miracle
Joy joy joy joy
Serenity serenity serenity
Peace peace peace peace
Faith faith faith faith
Hope hope hope hope
Six Five Four Nine Three Two Eight
Transform like the spud let potential awake
Whoa let's flow
Three Eight One Seven Two Four Six
Feel divine touch spiritual mix
Miracle miracle miracle
Seven Four Six Two Nine Three Eight
Cosmic love shamanistic trait
Nine Two Three Five Eight One Four
Manifest your dream open every door
Joy joy joy joy
Grabovoi Boi gettem
Four Three Nine Five One Six Two
Work for hugs love shines through
Whoa let's flow
Two Eight Seven Six Three Four Five
Silence brings peace feel so alive
Serenity serenity serenity
Five Six One Nine Eight Two Three
Inner light glows true and free
Three Four Two Five Nine One Eight
Paws on cards fate's embrace
Grabovoi Boi gettem
Five Two Eight Four One One Nine
Transform and rise see the stars align
Peace peace peace peace
Three Eight One Seven Two Four Six
Feel divine touch spiritual mix
Nine Four Eight Six Two Three One
Appreciate now changes come
Whoa let's flow
Eight Two Five Three Nine Six Four
Third eye open spirit soar
Seven Three One Eight Four Nine Six
Light remains love and fix
Six Five Four Nine Three Two Eight
Universal love aligned fate
Faith faith faith faith
Grabovoi Boi gettem
Four Two Eight Nine One Seven Three
Born to thrive living dreams feeling free
Whoa let's flow
Eight Five Three Six Two Nine One
Golden memories unities all are one
Nine Six Two Four Three One Eight
Naked truths shine can't replicate
Seven Four Eight Five Three Six Two
Taking naps no caps nature's view
Grabovoi Boi gettem
Two Nine Three Seven One Eight Four
Mystic statues guard cosmic doors
Whoa let's flow
Eight Three Five Six Nine Two One
Prosperity and peace for everyone
Six Seven Four Eight Two Nine Three
Flower of life cosmic mystery
One Two Three Four Five Six Eight
Metal shields down love penetrates
Grabovoi Boi gettem
Five Two Eight Four One One Nine
Transform and rise see the stars align
Hope hope hope hope
Three Eight One Seven Two Four Six
Feel divine touch spiritual mix
Seven Four Six Two Nine Three Eight
Sacramental herb we 'bout to elevate
Bless bless bless bless
Five Two Eight Four One One Nine
Universal blessings forever we shine