Look at them
Hiding inside their bubble
They can not withstand our force
Ours is the only way
They think they live in Utopia
We will bust their globe apart
And lead them to us
We are love
We are light
We thrive in a world named Utopia
And we will not give it up
We will blaze with the fire
That can never go out
We will not walk that dark path
We come from an ancient race
The world cannot see we have learned many things
Through time and through space
They don't understand
We are waiting, watching
When the time comes to hand
We'll step from the shadows
And protect our land
It's our heart and our world
We are one with the land called Utopia
We will bend them
We will break them
We're the future here
We'll surround them
Then we'll take them
We'll show them
No option
We're the future
On this earth
No one in our way
We'll pick you up
And then we'll shake you
Squeeze you
Destroy you
See them fall
Broken inside their bubble
They could not withstand our force
Ours was the only way
They thought they lived in Utopia
Fall on your knees
Say your prayers
Old and young we will slay
And we're in tune with the Earth
The sky, the rivers the trees in Utopia
They think we are weak but they don't know
They say the eyes show
The strength of your soul
As we walk so the universe walks
And as we breathe so it breathes
Light can only be understood
With the wisdom of darkness we have here
In Utopia
So for many years
Through many tears
The battle raged for a land that was lost
Just a land to some
But a home to others
A home and a land they would never give up
We will bend them
We will break them
We're the future here
We'll surround them
Then we'll take them
We'll show them
No option
We're the future
On this earth
No one in our way
We'll pick you up
And then we'll shake you
Squeeze you
Destroy you