I have valid dreams and goals
I am capable to accomplish my intentions
I work with enthusiasm and dedication
I value the talents I have
I communicate effectively
I ask for abundance because I am generous
I care about my friends deeply
I trust my intuition
I am responsible for things that I love
I am smart
I am able to do great things
I control how much I smile
I bring joy to those around me
My experience is valuable to others
My knowledge is valuable to others
I create beauty and harmony in the world
I understand others and myself
I believe that good is working with me
I believe that I am good
I believe that I am whole
I am trustworthy
I am a comfortable person to be around
I am giving
I am inspiring
I am talented
I am getting better at time management
I am getting better at self reflection
I am getting better at compromise
I am growing in my faith
I am growing in my soul
I am growing in my courage
I am worthy of peace
I am worthy of love
I am worthy of receiving money for my talents
I provide hope to others
I am an instrument of peace
I am empathetic
I am healthy
I am kind to myself and others
I am attractive sexually, physically, emotionally, and spiritually
I am honest with myself
I can think of others even when I'm facing difficulties
I overcome difficulties with courage
I overcome difficulties with asking for help
I overcome difficulties with patience and effort
I am willing to receive grace
I am willing to receive abundance
I am willing to use my talents and purpose to serve the world
I am confident I work to be successful
I am confident that my efforts today will pay forever
I am a positive impact in the world
I am funny
I am thoughtful
I am able to express my wants and needs
I am creative
I have succeeded in many things
I am grateful for the opportunity to live
I control my responses to negative forces
I have improved my meditation
I have improved my sleep
I have improved my hygiene
I celebrate my variety
I celebrate my leadership
I am responsible for expressing my truth
I am responsible for executing my dreams
I am responsible for thinking positive
I am responsible for my own happiness
I am responsible for uplifting others
I am responsible for making music
I am grateful for my friends and family
I am grateful for money
I am grateful for sex
I am grateful for Mexican food
I learn easily
I dream freely
I accomplish anything I want
I am clear with my intentions
I go above and beyond to add value to those around me
I welcome only positive thoughts
I am reframing my mind to see good things
I am starting to see everything is good
I am starting to accept my destiny
I am open to beneficial opportunities
I am letting go of grudges
I am letting go of hate
I am letting go of arguing
I am letting go of anger
I am letting go of envy
I am letting go of false perceptions of myself
I am good at listening
I feel happy when I'm creating
I feel happy when I'm contributing
I feel happy around people that care about me
I feel happy
I feel free
I know I will take care of all my needs
I'm letting go of things that I can't control
I'm letting my soul guide me
I'm committed to the process
I enjoy the journey
I love connections
I love expression
I love music
I am committed to getting better everyday
I am committed to building a happy life
I know I am loved
I know I have a home
I know I am capable
Now is the time to be with yourself
That whatever thoughts come, they can go just as easily
Cause today, I take a break from negativity
Cause today, I take a break from negativity
Cause today, I live positively
Cause today, I live positively
Because positivity is the only way
Because positivity
The only way