Step up to the mic, get ready for the hype
I'm breaking it down again and taking flight
It's time to Z-mix this tune, let it evolve, and break out of its cocoon
I'm a Latter-day Saint, you know, there's no complaint
I'm living my life, and I will walk and not faint
Let me rap all the words that give light to this world
I will stand for truth, my voice will be heard!
It's crazy how my music has grown
It's gotten better and better until my mind's been blown
Yes, it's true, I am my biggest fan
And I'm the one who keeps telling me that I CAN!
I'm gonna enjoy the crowd in my head
Till the legend of Grandmaster Z is spread
Hold up! Let's get rid of that pride
I love myself, but Imma stay on the light side
When the rhymes hit me, they go round and round
They take an extended stay in town
I've been doing some searching, I'm finding my way
I'm looking for the path that is right for me
There are only two people I aim to please
God up above and myself, yesiree!
This world's en fuego, my song is too
Let's see if I can break this down for you
Aim for your goals, shoot for your dreams
If they change, that's all right, keep swimming upstream
If you're unhappy with where you are, do something to change
Don't think that you can't! Don't think that it's strange!
Turn the music up, drown the haters out
Love yourself! That's what it's all about
Who cares if the world sees you with a narrow view
God sees the big picture, and it's awesome, that's true!
Step up to the plate, you don't wanna be late
Live up to your potential cuz it's gonna be great
You don't want to miss out on life
Smile, live it up, be happy, that's right!
I've had my own hard times, they're tough to get through
But my perspective changed to a whole new view
Don't doubt yourself cuz you're worth a lot
Look life in the face and show it what you've got
So be the light, be the flame
Don't compare yourself to others cuz you're not the same
So be different, be yourself
When you fall, get right back on that shelf
I hope these words have helped you a bit
I hope that they have lifted your spirit
I rap for change, I rap for hope
Even when it feels like my life's on a tightrope
Why do I do it? It helps me feel better
So find your passion, it will be a safe shelter
Who cares what others will think?
You just be you
Who cares what others will see?
You just be you
Who cares what others will do?
You just be you
You just be you
You just be you
You just be you
You just be you
You just be you
You just be you
You just be you and then you'll be en fuego too