Why am I here... tell me what did I do
I wait for the answer... I don't want to find
Why am I here... won't you tell the truth
Where did I go... did I lose my mind
I follow the walls and corridors
That lead to this door... Room 101
Don't bait me... Why did you take me
Why did you drag me away
To a room, with a door
They locked me in to keep me warm
Walls that confine, don't pay me no mind
There's a door over there... I'm just too weak to care
Here I wait... In Room 101
Where nothing is real, except the pain I find
Nothing is real, except the last goodbye
That waits to greet me... when reason dies
I was shocked into reason
Tortured with blinding deceit
In a room with a view
That the censors hide from you
Why am I here... tell me what did I do
I wait for the answer... I haven't a clue
Why am I here... won't you tell the truth
Where did I go... did I lose my mind
I follow the walls and corridors
That lead to this door... Room 101
Truth blurred beyond vision
Erased for no one to see