3am standing there in the shower
Hot water might last another half hour
I'm wearing a path inside my brain
Going round and round every lap the same
Bill said life is just a ride
I'm inclined to agree most of the time
A loop de loop, a sudden drop
What am I supposed to do when I want to get off?
I grit my teeth and soldier on
I'm an adult god damn it
I'll weather this storm
Not ready yet to admit defeat
But considering a strategic retreat
Going home for the weekend
To lay low, lick my wounds
In my old bedroom
Going home for the weekend
Crawl into my cocoon
With my silver spoon
I call my mum, she asks how I am
I try to answer as best as I can
See nothing is broken, no physical pain
All my problems are localised inside my brain
Three hour drive, I arrive before dark
Defeated, depleted, no physical scars
With my bag of laundry I hug mum and dad
Looking back can't believe just how lucky I am