Pull it
Bring a gun to a fist fight you better fickin Pull it
Point it at me and pull that trigger
Ya That Bullitt
Straight to my temple go on just pull it pull it
Ruthless mother f*cker that needs to be Rinsed off
Put me under holy water as I speak to God Shrewdness cuteness mucus
I spit on all of yall
Anticipating all your really good fake facades
Your girls pussy takes a better beating like a Man
Then you do
Un sheathing these hands makes this cushy Tushie run in dam fright
He needs a gun in this dam fight
Dam right
Toothless bootless bum ass sees me coming At him like a demon scheming for his sole out Of control
Cunningly stunningly
Reeling him in
There goes grimm eating again
Family on their knees
All praying for him
It's the end