I hope on better nights and I hope I'm Better days now
I hope I find the way and I hope I find The way
Now, help me out Better times, better Days, better play my
Way now I hope I'm better nights and I hope I'm better
Days now I hope I pave the way and I Hope I pave the
Way now Better times, better days, better play my
Name now I will fight, will I live to see Another way
I cannot die, I've been hoping on a Better day now
I know a way I die, will I die, will I live To see another
I try to fight, but I see it always wash Away
See through the mirrors like I see Through the blasphemy
I cannot lie, cause I swear that there's No way for me
Out, help me out, no way out, help me Now, out, help me out, no way out, Help me now
Die, will I die, will I live to see another Day
I cannot see through the pain, it does Wash for me
Pain in your eyes and I see that it has Tarnished me
Pain is inside, but inside of me is a Prodigy I cannot lie, at times it just Gets too hard
For me
Die, will I die, will I live to see another Day
Fight, will I fight, will I fight to see Another way
Try, cause I try, cause I try to find Another way
Fly, will I fly, will I fly or will I wash Away
I cannot deny that everything is hard For me
Hope on better nights and I'm hoping On better days now
Hope I find the way and I hope I find The way out
Better times, better days, better play My way now
Die, will I die, will I die, will I die to See another way
I cannot die, I've been hoping on a Better day
Out, no way out, help me out, no way Out, help me now, out, help me out, no way out