The dinosaurs and Jesus were on good terms. They were living in harmony for thousands of years
One time the dinosaurs were shitting and they're like, hey Jesus, why did you give us short arms
We can't even wipe our ass. I mean, it's kind of up to you to do that
And Jesus is like, f*ck you, no, you deserve to go to hell
And, um..
The war broke out for thousands of years, so many casualties everywhere, and I'm gonna drop a Bible verse
I just gotta search one up. It was really sad
Now the dinosaurs are dead and um, I think Jesus is too, because..
Look at the world around you
Put your sword back in its place
Jesus said that for all those who draw the sword will die by the sword
I will never forget the part when Jesus' lifeless body fell onto the ground and the dinosaurs
Tried hanging him up on the cross, but they couldn't because of their short arms so they ate him
But I think he was like, he had poison in him or some magic, because the dinosaurs all
Died too. It was f*cking insane, man
Do not take my revenge, my dear friends! Believe proof in God's wrath, for it is written
It is mine to avenge! I will repay, says the Lord
Says the Lord, says the Lord, please come back and fix this mess
Put your sword back in its place
Jesus said that for all those who draw the sword will die by the sword