Cure me of my colored blood
And set me free to find my love
I don't need this damn disease
Manifested in the flesh
Entity has done his best
Curing me of colored blood
Ghosts of me have found their way
Everything is out of place
Colored blood will wash away
Anchored I will find my way
Wake me from this endless slumber
Dreamer me can rest no longer
I will give you what you need
Entity can have my soul
My colored blood his to control
Wake me from this dying dream
Dream, dream, this is just a dream
Dream, dream, this is just a dream
Dream, dream, this is just a dream
Dream, dream, this is just a dream
Dream, dream, this is just a dream
Dream, dream, this is just a dream
Dream, dream this is not a dream
I can wake up from this dream I will escape this entity
I can wake up from this dream I will escape this entity
I can wake up from this dream I will escape this entity
Will I ever wake up?
You'll never wake up
Someone help me wake up
You'll never wake up
Maybe I won't wake up
I'll never give up
Give me all your colored blood
This is the end of all you love
It's time to wake up from this dream
I will give you all you need
As long as it means I am free
I will give you all you need
As long as it means I am free
I will cure you of your life
You will be free and I'll survive
Cure me of my colored blood
Ghosts of me will find my love
I know I will find my way
Colored blood and soul to spare
My only love is still out there
When I wake I will be free
Ghosts of me have found their way
Everything is out of place
Colored blood will wash away
Anchored I will find my way
Manifested in the flesh
Entity has done his best
Curing me of colored blood
Now without my colored blood
The ghosts of me will guide the way
Dream Dimension my mistake
My mistake