You're caught in the loose-ends
From previous boyfriends
You left to the breeze
I'm protecting my feelings
Leaving your demons
They're yours to keep.
I don't know which way is up or down
Burying my head under the ground.
All I know is I can't face shit right now
Guess I'll pop a couple aspirin
Stocking up on all my vitamins
Washing out the bitter taste in my mouth.
Should I kiss, marry or call you a friend? I don't know
Can we start over again
Mixed messages wrapped in a text that you wrote
Scrambled my head like an egg.
Now, out of the deep blue
Sitting here under the same roof
You drop the bomb.
And I've tried walking in your shoes
To see what you're onto
But I'm not the one.
I don't know which way is up or down
Burying my head under the ground.
All I know is I can't face shit right now
Guess I'll pop a couple aspirin
Stocking up on all my vitamins
Washing out the bitter taste in my mouth
Should I kiss, marry or call you a friend? I don't know
Can we start over again
Mixed messages wrapped in a text that you wrote
Scrambled my head like an egg
You're a brand new light
Fresh breath of air
A Spring in my step.
Guess I'll pop a couple aspirin
Stocking up on all my vitamins
Washing out the bitter taste in my mouth
Should I kiss, marry or call you a friend? I don't know
Can we start over again
Mixed messages wrapped in a text that you wrote
Scrambled my head like an egg
Should I kiss, marry or call you a friend? I don't know
Can we start over again
Mixed messages wrapped in a text that you wrote
Scrambled my head like an egg