Hayereyah awaken! Hayereyah awaken!
Yah modelled man from all the minerals
Minerals buried in the earth
So before your forward planning for your funerals
Remember Yah replenish, Yah rebirth
Yah woke me up and filled my cup
Water overflowing, filtering through facets of bedrock
Yah wipe sleep from my eyes, stretch me up to full size
Cells repairing sinews in order to absorb the shock
There are particles of dust floating in sunlight
How much of household dust is human skin?
Split-sec suspended, slowly settles on a surface then sinks deeper
Dissolving back to base to re-begin, again
Yah woke me up and filled my cup
Water overflowing, filtering through facets of bedrock
Yah wipe sleep from my eyes, stretch me up to full size
Cells repairing sinews in order to absorb the shock
Yah woke me up and filled my cup
Water overflowing, filtering through facets of bedrock
Yah wipe sleep from my eyes, stretch me up to full size
Cells repairing sinews in order to absorb the shock
Be ever mindful of the spirit of slumber
Be ever watchful from your lookout tower
Be ever prayerful that the Most High guides all emotions and all motions
Be ever thankful effervescent blessings shower
Be ever thankful effervescent blessings shower
Be ever thankful effervescent blessings shower