I never saw You in a cloud
Or giving bread to that poor child
When will this mystery become
More than just red ink on a page
You made Your home inside a Rose
After everything You said had come to pass
And everyday i learn that breathe was made for You
So the story goes
I've always known You to be quiet
A light breeze is all i've heard
Maybe You speak in ways unlike mine
Let me hear that song without a sound
You made Your home inside a Rose
After everything You said had come to pass
And everyday i learn that breathe was made for You
So the story goes
So long as birds have their nests
And falling leaves have their forest beds
I'll know there's something worth breathing in
I'll know there's something worth breathing out
You made Your home inside a Rose
After everything You said had come to pass
And everyday i learn that breathe was made for You
So the story goes