[LEO burps loudly.]
[MARIANNE, spoken]
Do I hear music?
[LEO, spoken]
Must've eaten something
[CLAUDIA, spoken]
I wonder what the kids are up to
[PAUL, spoken]
You calling them?
[CLAUDIA, spoken]
No, just surfing
[FRITZ, spoken]
Hey. Hey, you. What's going on out there?
[WINDSOR, spoken]
Patience, Apocalypse
All will be revealed
[MARIANNE, spoken]
Is my hair a horror?
[LEO burps.]
[RAFFAEL, spoken]
Not at all, it's beautiful
[MARIANNE, spoken]
Oh, stop
What you're playing, that is beautiful
[BISHOP, spoken]
[FRITZ, spoken]
[RAFFAEL, spoken, sotto voce to MARIANNE]
I have to have you
Now, more than ever
[LEO burps.]
[WINDSOR, spoken]
A digestifsir?
[LEO, spoken]
No, thanks
[FRITZ, spoken]
Over here, pal
I have to say
I didn't think
The carrots had much lilt
[CLAUDIA, spoken]
Oh, you always say that
[MARIANNE, spoken]
Isn't it wonderful to be doing something different for a change?
[RAFFAEL, spoken, sotto voce to MARIANNE]
I have to have you
Now, more than ever
[LEO burps.]
[WINDSOR, spoken]
A digestifsir?
[LEO, spoken]
No, thanks
[FRITZ, spoken]
Over here, pal
I have to say
I didn't think
The carrots had much lilt
[CLAUDIA, spoken]
Oh, you always say that
Isn't it wonderful to be doing something different for a change?
You know, I've eaten a carrot every
Day for forty
YearsJesus, what is this?
I have nothing but praise
For the beef Bordelaise
But she f*cked up the glaze
On the peas
[MARIANNE, spoken]
Oh, please
Peas, peas, peas, who cares?
Here we are in Eden
[CLAUDIA, spoken]
And then some
[RAFFAEL, spoken]
Oh, I love this expression. "And then some"
Did you have fun? And then some!
Was it good? Oh, and then some!
People tell me less is more
I say, no. More is more. And then some!