I had this saying when I was little yeah
'Old ghosts never die'
Pretty deep right?
Especially for a kid
I think what I meant was
Ontological memory is a bitch innit
You ever feel like the world's all spiky and unwelcoming?
That you can feel the artless fingers of a million grievances scuttling through your tendons
And settling on your shoulders like a planet
I find myself regularly scratching at scars
Some nights my tongue roams around my mouth freely of its own volition
Extending and recoiling like a slug
Creeping through the buckled and brittle slabs of pulp, dentin, enamel and cementum
How long have I been here?
Floating in this timeless sea
Am I alone here?
How deep does it go?
How did I get out here?
I wish it all still felt shiny
Like I used to with her
Like every little part was in its right place
I miss her mum, and her sister
I felt like I had my hands around something precious
Something endless
Something holy
Have you ever seen God in the glint of an eye?
'Cause I have
I'm scared that karma is real
I'm scared of divine retribution
I'm scared of not existing at all
I'm scared I don't know who I am anymore
I've lived a hundred lives already
I carry anecdotes like other people carry their ancestors
Or a lucky coin
I've been a plumber
A painter
A brickie
A baker
A dealer
A liar
A cheat
I've seen great hearts and minds lose themselves
Under the bulk of coarse unfeeling paws
All tangled, natty and pitch dark
I knew a guy who believed he'd been living the same year
Since 2002
At that time like seven or eight years
Basically something went wrong with his computer
And it told him the wrong date
Flipping him into a time loop
Even when our mate got crushed in his car
At his funeral he said
That this had already happened before
And would happen again next year
His name was James but we called him Jesus
He never drove over 15mph
I was too young to know that I probably should have done more
You know, try and help in and that
I wonder if he ever made it out of the loop
Or if he's still in there somewhere
Going round and round in time
Trying to crack the code and get himself free
But you know what they say huh?
Old ghosts never die