Dave: Funny Man Dan, it's Dave, are you ready?
Dan: Yep.
Dave: Are you out of bed?
Dan: Yep.
Dave: Are you dressed?
Dan: Yep.
Dave: Are you lying?
Dan: Yep.
Dave: Come on man, today's the day.
You know what we've gotta do.
Dave: I exit the house, and I'm in no doubt
That today's another day I'm gonna let it out.
Dan: No matter where I'm from, no matter where I live.
It doesn't even matter that I'm still a kid.
Dave: I'm an itty bitty freckle on a great big earth.
But there's something much bigger that gives me worth.
Dan: More than money, more than things or a vault full of gold. Consider me an auction, already sold.
Dave: To the man with the beard, no, not him;
I'm talking about the One who paid for my sin.
Dan: So don't hold me down, you can't even try; I'm living for Jesus, so watch me fly.
Dave: The playground is where I spend some of my time, and there are those who tend to whine:
Dan: "So you know Jesus?"
Dave: They say to me
Dan: I say, "Yo! Let me tell you something for free"
Dave: It was His love that made me see the light;
Set me free from picking this fight.
Dan: So I'm standing up, not being weak. Gonna TUUURRRRNNN the other cheek.
Dave: Not worried about what others are thinking;
My eyes on Jesus, I can't stop singing.
Kid: "Hey mister, what's this song about?"
Dave: Love.
Kid: "Love?"
Both: Love never fails.
Love never fails.
Love never fails.
Dan: The truth of the word boils down to one thing;
That God is love, and love is the King.
Dave: Love your neighbour, love God, love your enemy,
Both: Woah, just a minute now let me see.
Dan: Did Jesus really say we should all love those who hurt our feelings and step on our toes?
Dave: Yes, absolutely it's a well-known fact;
We should even give them the shirt off our back.
Dan: The extra mile that you go for a friend should also be the mile that you spend.
Dave: With the people in your life, God placed there to see His love replace their fear, yeah.
Dan: You did not just rhyme replace their, with fear, yeah?
Dave: I certainly did.
Dan: Come on, we can't fail at this.
Dave: Don't worry, I know something that never fails.
Dave: So the end of this rhyme is to simply correct
The picture of love that you get.
Dan: From TVs to movies and video, its not all romantic and mushy you know.
Dave: Loving the world is easy to say,
But trying to live it out loud everyday . . . .
Dan: Is a full time job 24/7; but that's the only way to bring down heaven.
Dave: To earth and let His will be done. And speaking of done, I'm finished...
Dan: You're what?!?
Dave: I'm finished.
Dan: What, are you on vacation?
Dave: No that is the end of the song!
Dan: But it doesn't even rhyme.
Dave: Why does it have to rhyme?
Dan: I don't know, but it was in this book,
"Kickin' it in Hop Hop".
Dave: Wow, is it good?
Dan: Kinda but my foot still hurts.
Dave: What does it say about ending a song?
Dan: Well, it says you need a strong ending,
Like the title of the song.
Dave: Let's do that then.
Dan: Ok.
Both: Love Never Fails!
Dan : Oh, and then some whistling.