[ Featuring Funny Man Dan ]
We've been sitting here for hours
Not making any ground
We've tried every chord and scale
But we still can't find the sound
And we're completely sick and tired
This happens all the time
When attempting to write lyrics
They never seem to rhyme
Cue banjo
It started on a Monday
Inspired from above
We would try and write a song
And show God our love
But that was last October
And I'm starting to think
When it comes to writing songs
Perhaps we really stink
Ooo of roses? No
We're writin' a song
About writin' a song
It's harder than you think
Just try it, it will take you really long
We're writin' a song
About writin' a song
There's no other way about it
But it's all coming out wrong
Our theme was really simple
Let's write about our King
But words like omnipotent
Are really hard to sing
Seemed easy in the Bible
King David had it down
Perhaps we'll learn some Hebrew
And buy ourselves a crown
Do you think it'll help?
Easier than learning the harp
We're writin' a song
About writin' a song
Absolutely pumped and excited
We started out so strong
We're writin' a song
About writin' a song
Our ability has left the building
It's time to run along
No, you're writing this song
Arrggghhh it's all deep down inside me
Exactly how I feel
It can't come to the surface
Must be blocked by last nights meal
We worked hard to impress Him
Well maybe that's the thing
God just wants our lives
And our hearts to sing
Beautiful Dan
We're writin' a song
About writin' a song
It was getting to complicated
Like trying to play mah-jong
We're writin' a song
About writin' a song
God doesn't mind about rhyming
But it's easier to sing along
By George I think we've got it
Yes indeed
We were all hung up on trying to find the perfect words
When God just simply wants our worship
If our hearts are in it God loves it
That was beautiful Dan
Let's slow it down Dave
We've written a song
About writin' a song
It wasn't as hard as imagined
But it took us really long
We've written a song
About writing a song
Anyone on earth on can do it
You've just got to sit yourself down
With a friend and a banjo
And spend a few months
Fruitlessly trying to rhyme
We sorted this out Dan
It's all about the heart
That's what I meant