How the f*ck did this happen?
I thought we were one in the same
You done f*cked up again and again
And now I'll never look at you the same
All l hear are your f*cking excuses
In the end you're the one to blame
Your decisions brought us here
And now I don't have a choice
Let me make myself clear
No one wants to hear your voice
You talked to much its time to listen
To what I say
For these actions there's a debt in hell that you will pay
Lie after lie
Line after line
It adds up today
Understand after this moment you'll never be the same
You'll never get away
Hoping waiting to watch you die
Everyday that you're alive
I feel dead inside
Your decisions brought us here
And now I don't have a choice
Let me make myself clear
No one wants to hear your voice
Not now
Not ever the f*ck again
Judgement day has come
I'm the judge I'm the jury I will execute