Standing at the footsteps of a monolith to the sky
Feel the writhing nature as the snakes escape your eyes
Catapult their heads soaring ever high
Smash upon the pavement striptease down the mine
Climbing the familiar steps brings you closer to the dread
As you summit higher your lungs labor with your legs
As your body begins to rot
Acid seeps from your body as you attempt to console yourself
"The dead can't move" you think
But you continue blindly pressing forward
Spurred by the ungodly force
The reek of Sulphur destroys what smell remains in your nostrils
And the clothes on your body burst into fire
Now in the lair of the nightmare
You try to scream but you have no will to do anything
But move towards your destruction
I see him I see him coming
Embrace the altar
Stomach the Knife
Serve the master you once stole from