I've been sitting right here for a lifetime, not knowing what to do
Out here drinking beers, yeah, I can do it everything, yeah
My old man is in cowboy boots, in his cowboy boots, in his cowboy hat, in his flannels, yeah
Drinking beers on a Friday night, in no jeans, in no cowboy boots, in no cowboy hat, yeah
Out here with my uncle, doing crazy stuff, doing good stuff, I don't know
Out here in the cowboy boots, out here playing pool, out here starting fires
Not the wild fires, but the fires in the pit, yeah
Chilling by the fire with dudes, I don't know, dudes, dudes
With my crazy cousin, with my crazy uncle, yeah
I don't know, I don't know, what will I do with you
What will I do with you, yeah
Out here with my crazy uncle, doing crazy stuff, lighting fires in the pit, yeah
I don't know what I'll do with you, because I'm out here in my jeans, baby
Yes I am, yes I am
Out here in my jeans, in my cowboy boots, in my cowboy hat, in my flannels
All this stuff to be a country boy, out here drinking beers, with my crazy uncle
Not yet, not 21, but yeah, that's the best part about being a country boy
You're drinking beers when you ain't 21 yet, that's for sure, yeah
I've been sitting right here, don't let the world define you, my crazy uncle, yeah
I don't know what I'll do with you, sitting right here with my crazy cousin, yeah
Lighting fires, yeah, once in the pit, doesn't matter, I just want you to know, yeah
I'm out here in my jeans, doing crazy stuff, in my cowboy boots, in my cowboy hat, in my flannels
Doing crazy stuff with my crazy uncle, lighting fires in the pit, I don't know what I'll do with you
Baby, I'm a country boy, yes I am
Can you please come with me, baby, come with me, please
I want you to come with me, because I don't know what I'll do with you
Too close, too far, I don't know, yeah
Sitting right here for a lifetime, yeah
I don't know what I'll do with you, yeah
What will I do with you, baby