I don't quite live up to the hype for what you had in mind
Well I'm sorry but I left my lifts behind
I don't want any ritual, don't want no big to do
Can't fathom standing up there next to you
We've done so much waiting, I'm not hesitating
I'm just giving answers to questions you've not asked before
Cause I'm not I'm not I'm not the someone that you came for
Tell me whose bright idea was this, to tangle you with me
And you're finished justifying chemistry
It typically takes half this time for you to tell me off
You're lingering so I feel the line I crossed
We work well together, I've never felt better
Let's stop time the moment before I carry you through that door
Cause I'm not I'm not I'm not the someone that you came for
Every little thing you do for me
Won't trump the blows you dealt my apathy
It's easier not to care than be scared of being
The someone that you came for, someone that you really need
I'm just unsure how this will feel, or if it'll feel at all
Or if I've got the emotional wherewithal
I'm talking big about taking risks, but you just roll your eyes
Cause I'm balking at the biggest risk of our lives
Please just tape my mouth shut, cut off any rebut
We're gonna make it work in spite of all that you deplore
Cause I'm not I'm not I'm not the someone that you came for