If you could get past the point of helplessness
You'd find a hand to help you up the steps
If you could get past the compulsion to possess
You'd find a hand to yank you from this mess
If you could get past self-loathing and regret
You'd find the answer to your every guess
"If you could get both your hands off of my breasts
You'd find the hole in which to dig yourself best"
I set out to hunt down human nature
You bark and sputter, I'm ashamed I'm like the others
I set out to hunt down human nature
I finally get it, I'll die before I'm finished
When everything you thought you knew
Is laid out plain in front of you
It's ugly to stand resolute
For uncompromising youth
I set out to hunt down human nature
I finally get it, I'll die before I'm finished
I set out to hunt down human nature
If you could get past the smug self-righteousness
You'd find it's not so hard to take a breath
If you could get a word in edge-wise and edge-less
You'd find the upset order's been upset