Music, music to my ears
Can I hurt you, hurt you
Acid, Acid through my speakers
Merde! Merde! Merde!
Maybe its not so safe or sharp on the other side
That skull you wear proud on your holster
Resonates inside me
The world is up in arms
Thers no balance, scaling
Fires, Fires all around me
And theyre never waning
Isnt it pretty when the energy just switches
To a darkness that can consume uneasy temperaments
To a rage that could break the strongest ball point pen
What point of bend (un)till break did you forget?
This is not the situation that would call for sage
But theryre all green lights going all four ways
That dirty little street still left unpaved
Whos job was it anyway?
I swear that little lady focus on crochet
As If I got nothing better to do today
I checked all my pockets, extravated away
And I cant find my new switchblade