I know this neighborhood like the back of my hand
So I will cut through the alley so I can get right there
That way you don't have to feel alone or sad
I guess I should leave around 7 or 8
Because my girlfriend hates when I stay too late
Even though I don't mind the lack of sleep
And you lost yourself when you left Water Street
And I lost myself around the age of 23
I'm sitting on the back porch looking at the night sky
But there's too much light pollution so I guess I'll go inside
And tell myself I'm going to bed early
You called me on my drive home
Then you fell asleep on the telephone
While you were hiding from your fiance in the front seat of your car
You lost yourself on a beach in California
And I lost my lunch in the bathroom of a dive bar
And you lost your love of swing bands and romance novels
I lost most of myself last fall
If you pray to Saint Anthony
He'll help you find all your lost things
Don't know if it's true
But I'd like to believe