Too many living for the moment
Too many living just for today
Blind to what tomorrow may bring
We need a new anthem to sing
Where are the leaders of old?
Where are the voices of change?
Remember when gravitas was king?
We need a new anthem to sing
There must be a middle way
There must be a middle way
Let the silenced have their say
There must be a middle way
Too much noise, too much hate
The age of reason will just have to wait
Tolerance is the bell we'll ring
We need a new anthem to sing
There must be a middle way
There must be a middle way
Let the silenced have their say
There must be a middle way
We go from extreme to extreme
Left, right and little in between
Forget the two step, forget the swing
We need a new anthem to sing
There must be a middle way
There must be a middle way
Let the silenced have their say
There must be a middle way
There must be a middle way
There must be a middle way
Let the silenced have their say
There must be a middle way