It's 3 am
I go outside
And walk the dog
And the cars stay still
And the trees stay still
The pebbles stay still
And there is no one outside
Where are all of you?
Are you all dead asleep in bed?
You should be running outside
And I should be right there with you
You should crack open a beer
And I should be right there with you
You should be weeping in grief
And I should be right there with you
You should be living in the wilderness
Where wild cats hunt wild mice
And I should be right there with you
But instead
I smoke a cigarette
At 3 am
With the cars
And the trees and the pebbles
I stand still
And take another drag
Right there with you
Como é que é mano?
Tass bem?
Tass bem ou não?
Tudo bem mano?
Senta aí mano!
Senta aí mano queres uma cerveja?
Mas ya tipo
Nós fumámos daquilo
E depois tipo
E ela não parava!
Queres uma beca de jola mano?
Yá yá passa aí!
Na boa mano
É cergal mas
Cerveja é cerveja
Faz mas é a tua
Faz lá a tua cena
And sometimes
Life goes well
And sometimes
I make peace with the world
And sometimes
For a few lines
The song stops!
Song stops song stops song stops
Have you ever seen angels and demons cry
Due to the lack of sleep for a boy to fight
For a song that keeps playing on a foggy night
For the embrace of death that is out of sight
Have you ever seen angels and demons cry
Due to the lack of sleep under the sun
Under the softness of a lullaby that sings a gun
To the friends that have died when this song was sung
Have you ever seen angels and demons cry (And sometimes)
Due to the lack of sleep for a boy to fight (Life goes well)
For a song that keeps playing on a foggy night (And sometimes)
For the embrace of death that is out of sight (I make peace with the world)
Have you ever seen angels and demons cry (And sometimes)
Due to the lack of sleep under the sun (Life goes well)
Under the softness of a lullaby that sings a gun (And sometimes)
To the friends that have died when this song was sung (For a few lines)
The song stops!