Repetition of five quests harrowing exile
Folly of mankind wrought vengeance amongst lunar royalty
Enraged the village with five casualties
Given the title of moonlit demon queen
Fleeing perennial war and genocide
Once more, I reflect through disgraced footsteps
The lies that witheld me for an eon shan't live to be
For where I find shelter once more must last for eternity
My strength through my tongue now has found a way to endow
What causes their lachrymosa, the words thus be unbound
Death plagues hominids
Mirroring heart of dusk
I, too am unspared from the wrath of the gods
For earth is nothing more than a second hell
Bequeathed upon me is my own unbreakable edict
To evade such self torture at the sands of Shigan
Unable to waste away, unable to rot for the worms
Immortality is its own solitude
Deathless as I are my curses towards Hourai
Beginning as a blessing, never ending as a curse
For every object requested that was relentlessly sought
Extremities to account for which I had already got
Falsehood upon falsehood to fool the waste of human mortality
Your hatred now stems from these epics of insanity
For every object requested that was easily procured
Your abhorrance now stems from these epics endured
Far beyond the wake of day
My flesh remains unsevered
Witness one strength dwindle
As the other flourishes
Death plagues hominids
Mirroring heart of dusk
Far beyond the wake of day
My flesh remains unsevered
Witness one strength dwindle
As the other flourishes
These bones and constants shatter
Long held truths as my fate
Usurps the atrophic gaze
Of the anguished bard
Here comes remorse raining upon me
Yet it'll never
Wash this blood from my
Soul so archaic and black
Woeful is this virulent irony...
Fill my ears with songs of farewell
Sing them with rage upon my last journey home
Perhaps Gensokyo's alchemy is able to
Finally cessate my everlasting time
The lies that witheld me for an eon shan't live to be
For where I find shelter once more must last for eternity
My strength through my tongue now has found a way to endow
What causes their lachrymosa, the words thus be unbound