We offer to you God, creator and friends
All the good desires of our lives
We want to be people who can love as you love
Who can see in each of us here
A reflection of yourself and your love
We make our prayer through Christ our Lord
I often wonder which is the real me?
The super confident talker with some people
The shy, inferior self I find with others
The carefree, generous self at another time
Which 'me' do I bring to god?
The confident or the guilty?
My 'self' can be like a sky I wander in
Cloudy one day, bright another
Which is the real me?
I am a mixture of different moods and thoughts
Changing views of myself and opinions of others
Lord, help me believe that this is the 'me' that you love
That you say 'friend' to everything that is me
Bless us, God our Father, as we leave this gathering
May we know that you are close to us in love and friendship
Affirming what is good in us and calling us
Into a life of friendship and love with you
May we give to others a true sense of their own value
We ask this in the name of Christ the Lord. Amen