So many times I see a face
Of a woman who can feel
I shall strive because I should
Not for the feels
I'm finding loneliness as a whole
To be my only friend
The hope of new smells so peach
But that scent only ends
I can't stop him, me, or you
I can only watch the fog
Every day seems like a rule
To get to agony
Why should I stand and gaze
At others doing great
I know some are so damn fake
But I wish some sometimes
I'm tired of it'll be ok
When all I do is try
Details seem to be a phase
A nostalgic goodbye
I weep to see all ventures
That I planned to be with you
I want to miss unbarring pain
I want to miss everything
I want to miss all the things
I finally gave in
To another broken one
I saw her scars
And wanted to feel them
I lived the pain
And saw her hair
I compared it to
My guardian angel
I wanted more good
Than harm
I wanted more love
But being here was worth it
When it was all said and done
You threw yourself
Against avalanche of levels
Waiting to be crossed
It hurt me so bad
Would never expect that in you
I thought I knew you
I thought we were the same
But you broke the trust
And you broke my love
You broke the foundation we always dreamed of
And I saw the worst
Waiting to appear
It came so soon
She knew how I worked
Now I'm here
Living these songs
I cope every day
Just to unsee your face
Thank you for your feelings
Thank you for your heart
I'll miss it every day
I'll cherish the photos you sent
Things just don't work out
I'm sorry it had to be us
I still have you in my heart
I still have your smell in my car
My dense
Runs out now
To a place
I call home
Flee my wounds
They hurt again
They shock a friend
They make me sick
I never gone down
I never saw crown
Slip joke onto worry
Still no sight I spare
Tools make out hurry
Crowd crusted with shy
Inaudible sounds love
The spiral of fall
My bedroom drowns in
Misleads and a tear
I could get up soon
But I sit and stare clean
Soul breaks down to cry
No disguise me and lies
Live on so crystal black
Lonely my friend I sack
I see you running
I see you jogging
These lights I know I spent
We'll get to walking