Avert this attention into itself
And clear all thought to see
Everything the heart has spoken since the beginning
No need to keep on waiting for the inevitable
Or there will be no end to this bleeding
Only dreams of breaking free
For our whole lives we hope to satisfy
What feels out of reach
To look past these projections
And be one with what makes one feel young and free
The grace that comes from simply being
Is an ineffable energy
Yet awareness dances 'round itself
Distracted from finding true peace and purpose
The gift of having been given life
Are odds that are quadrillions to one
Yet still it seems impossible
To have faith in anything at all
Might one be washed with salvation whilst living in the light?
Because there's monotonous tension in serving only one's self or everything else
Is anyone able to tell us where we are otherwise?
As only we can see ourselves amidst this wrong and right
I've never seen my intentions more alive
Also too will every doubt fallen victim to reflect in all that's seen
Because whether we think we're in control or not
We must not fall in the trap of believing in something we've identified with and labeled as truth
Versus living for the betterment of all things
That which would restore every aspect of you and me
Despite all beliefs
For our whole lives we spend wondering
How to get out of a hell we've built for ourselves
Instead of having faith
And staying in the knowing that we can be freed of our own suffering
Terrified by what they may be thinking
Too busy contemplating instead of living
Partaking in what brings great hurt into this heart
Which never seems to be able to
Stop being pressured
From a mind's most lonely and unforgiving ways
Because walking down the path of falsehoods and atrocities
Is only up for one's self to decide
For our whole lives we'll put the blame on something else
Instead of realizing the power of our being
To transcend temptations of this world
All for the world
It seems so out of reach
It seems so out of reach
For our whole lives we hoped to taste something sweet
But we've bitten from fruits we knew not to consume
And we rotted out our teeth
No wonder we can barely stomach truth
Without drowning out in our doubts and debts
With a chest that's sunken as deep as this pit of regret
But all we ever had is right now
So must we come to forgive and accept each other
If we're ever to reach what is best
'Cause I must confess
I must confess
That I've worked myself up in this head
So may I see you again, see you again?
I want you to understand
'Cause I cannot stand being bound by these judgmental, narrow thoughts
I need to show you just how awful I've been
Release what's dark; inherit light
Despite what I might think
Nowhere to run or hide
When I invite your awareness inside
I want to witness your love
And let it cleanse this sin
I want to keep this youth and remain free
Before it's too late to let myself and everything else
Just breathe