Every tear you have shed
I've collected
Because one day I knew your faith would grow
Into something ever more beautiful
And in that very moment
When you cross that threshold
I will be there
To anoint the ground that you stand on
To remind you
That I was there
When you were filled with anguish and despair
Oh I was there
And when the floods came
And you were practically drowning in the waters
But something lifted you up
Oh I was there
And when you thought
The fire would burn you
Did not my spirit go forth and lead you through the flames?
But you did not get burned
Oh I was there
And as the earth trembled
When you enemies marched against you
Saying to themselves I have no adversary
Was it not I
Who was satisfied
When I brought my wrath down upon them
Like a lamb
Which so foolishly walks into a den with wolves
Did I not deliver you?
Was I not there?
Oh I was there