I don't like what I see
It don't look right to me at all
There's a man in the gutter clawing at my feet
Buried underneath the trash in the street
How can a man remain a man
Living in a city that's a garbage can
What's the world coming to
I can't understand
I don't like what I see
It don't look right to me at all
There's a man on the corner with a needle in his arm
Lying without caring if it's doing him harm
His brain is dead but his body's still alive
So stick him in a clinic and see if he'll revive
What's the world coming to
We'll never survive
I don't like what I see
It don't look right to me at all
So many sleeping on sidewalks at night
But the rich politicians say money's too tight
Just move the homeless out of sight
There's a woman with her belly blown up with child
Standing on the street trying to make men smile
Turning a trick in some filthy hotel
Having a baby that grows up in hell
What's the world coming to
I don't feel so well
I don't like what I see
It don't look right to me at all