Here once played a little boy
In this paradise of joy
A children's park of thrilling rides
And cotton candy dreams
An open door to fantasy
Where life was fun as it could be
Where everyone was always young
And laughter reigned supreme
No grown-up rules
No need for schools
No science, math or history
He came to let his mind run free
Far from the world grown-ups shape
The children's park was his escape
Bathed in never-setting sun
It beckoned him to come have fun
The horses on the carousel cried
Ride me
Here now stands a grown-up boy
With only memories to enjoy
He put his paradise aside
To live like other men
He holds a job he doesn't like
And slowly grows to hate his life
He wishes he could one day be
A little boy again
Where did it go
The joy he used to know
He played away his youth so fast
Not knowing childhood wouldn't last
The boy grew up
The fun is through
The children's park recedes from view
Far ahead the future waits
But at the park, the music fades
The horses on the carousel cry
Ride me
The boy becomes a man to find
He's leaving all his dreams behind
The spark of life once shone so bright
But now he slowly dims the light
The sun sets on the children's park
He locks his laughter in the dark
The horses on the carousel cry
Ride me