The ground is mocking me
Come into my field of wheat
You are what's stopping me
Now let me turn this nightmare into a dream for me
The wind whispers gently through the wheat
The ground screams don't to me
But You are the ending I need
Sacrifice you say well it will never be me
Well I'm dragging you through the fields
With your blood trailing at my heels
Oh what I've done
Lord what I've done
And your last words were "please stop"
Ringing in my ears non stop
Oh what have I done
Lord what have I done
I'm not my brothers keeper
How should I know where he is?
His blood calls out to me
Somewhere deep I hear him
His blood cries out to me
Cain I warned you you wouldn't listen to me
Well I'm walking you through the fields
With his blood trailing at my heels
Oh what have you done
What I've done
And his last words were "please stop"
Ringing in my ears non stop
Oh what have I done
Cain what have you done?