He maketh all things new
The glory soon shall be
There sin shall never reign
And there shall be no sea
No tears will blur my sight
And pain will not touch me
He maketh all things new
For all eternity
He maketh all things new
And I shall rest secure
My dwelling place with Him
Shall evermore be sure
Though sin bereft the first
Of Eden's gardens pure
He maketh all things new
My place is there assured
He maketh all things new
And there will be no sun
Because the Lamb of God
Shines His great light thereon
And when I see His face
I shall be like God's Son
He maketh all things new
The victory is won
He maketh all things new
And I will see His hands
Then better I the cost
Will start to understand
For with the scars of love
The Lamb of God yet stands
He maketh all things new
The end of all His plan
And God Himself will be with them
And He will be their God
God Himself will be with them
And He will be their God
O, He maketh all things new