You don't know where it came from
You just know it feels right
To the victor go the spoils and you pride yourself on your might
You don't know how it got there
You just know there is gold in them hills
And when you swing your pickaxe strong and true the whole world gets a thrill
You swing free. Gloriously
The ore bends to your intention
You swing through. Strong and true
Everyone pays you attention
Now you've become the ore in a strip mine bequeathed by God
As they would have you believe
Now you can give no more
They've taken everything you ever thought you would ever need
You swung free. Like a machine and the ore gave way to intention
You swung through strong and true. And everyone paid you attention
You swung hard. You left your mark and built someone else's collection
You felt like a king. The echo would ring. Now it feels like misdirection
You don't know where it came from. You just know it felt right
To the victor went the spoils but you have robbed yourself of the light