Gas station coffee, cheap motels, a fresh cut field of grass and the way it smells.
Birds on the water, stars in the sky, just a few of my favorite things, let me tell you
Cause they don't cost nothing, at least not much. I've never found the need for
Fancy things and such. My worn in jeans, well they fit just right. I've learned to
Love the simple things in life.
Simple things, tried and true, they prop you up and they pull you through. If
Tomorrow brings me pain and strife, at least I'll always have those little simple
Things in life.
Fresh tortillas, beans and rice. Harwood floors and neon lights. A full tank of gas,
Wide open road, country music on my radio.
Simple things, tried and true, they prop you up and they pull you through. If
Tomorrow brings me pain and strife, at least I'll always have those little simple
Things in life.