Jim Breuer's racist rants om Latino's and I was so, I had a lot of emotions I was insulted. I always hurt because clearly this human being doesn't know me and what they did is put that statement out there and then put the clip of me just saying, Oh no, know what the drug Lords never said. This was a half hour content of goofiness from Gold being, never put that in there. The part that bothered me was there a people go, he's a racists. I got Jim Breuer You should be banned from going to city field and within. That's the problem with Twitter, see I grew up in the 80s there was no Twitter. By the time you hit the next block, people go what a minute. So why is he a racist? Are you retarded? Because in the 80s you said, retarded. Can you imagine if people today went back 20 years and retarded was just means you, you didn't get it, are you retarded you seven and you can't tie your shoe yet. You're retarded. I don't get it.
You said things like that. I was brought up in a different era. A retard. was just in, was it a retard was, I'll tell you what. Matter of fact, you would say the word retard in a classroom and sometimes depending on the situation, you call the teacher a retard. You call her out or him out.
You know when you use that word, I'll tell you when you use that word. Pizza day. Okay. Remember Pizza day in school. That's the only day I was ever ready to go. My mom's go. Why you? Why you so you showered? Yup. Showered. I'm showered, I'm ready to go. Can I get an extra $2? I'll give it back to you, it's pizza day, I wanna get three. It's pizza day today and I got English class right next to the cafeteria. Mom, as soon as the bell rings I'm gonna be first in line. I'm gonna get three slices and they always go out of pepperoni pizza real quick. So please, I wanna borrow just $2. It's pizza today. And you get the school like, Hey man, you ready for pizza? Guess what, I got English class. Room 102A, That's next to the cafeteria, Dick. Umm what. I'm gonna be done before you are in line Dick. And they were good times. Oh and it doesn't end there, then you're in your classroom getting all jazzed up. You could smell it. Looking at making, making eye contact with row three. You got the tap. Get the guy over there and get the guy over there, you ready. 3 more minutes, bro.
Alright before we leave. Um, we didn't get this today because it's the weekend coming up. Why don't we take out a bit and we're just going to read one paragraph. Charlie Wayne, just read that last paragraph before the bell rings. And I know your all excited. It's Pizza day. You know Charlie can not pull this off.
That's a strategic move by that teacher. She's no dummy. She's a teacher because she went to college. she busted her ass. She's smart. She's got psychology in it. She picked on him on purpose because she sees I'm jazzed and she's taking out of me cause I need to homework for two weeks. But who cares, I don't care about any of this. I don't care about Ponce de Leon. My father's having flashbacks. (...World War 2) Booo. (Alarm goes off) (Everybody Run) Is this for real. Hold on. The Met's are down, Wait, we have to leave. I'll go check.